We had a wonderful week delivering the week-long training event for the Waterford Global Schools Programme. The programme is in its 20th year providing peer teaching and learning training to Transition Year students from around Waterford. It focuses on promoting Global Citizenship Education which is education centred around what’s going on in our world, critically thinking and exploring these issues and how they interlink with our everyday lives.

Did you know leaving the tap run while brushing your teeth wastes about 6 litres of water a minute? Simply turning off that tap will save so much water! The TY’s will pass along so much more information and tips like this during the workshops they deliver.

This year’s programme, which focused on water and our hidden water footprint, had the TY’s learn about and explore the Sustainable Development Goals, the impact our actions have at both a local and global level and how to take action on these issues. The TY’s then devised their own workshop which they will go and deliver to other students.

Every year we are stunned by the intelligence, hard work, engagement and ideas developed by the Transition Year students from around Waterford City. We can't wait to see what actions they take going forward!

Huge thanks to the students and teachers from this year’s programme: Our Lady of Mercy Secondary School, St. Angela's Ursuline Secondary School, Presentation Secondary School, De La Salle College, Newtown School, Abbey Community College and Mount Sion CBS.

This programme is supported by Irish Aid’s WorldWise Global Schools.