Our third Street Art For The Goals wall is done!!! Yayy!! Our third wall is based on Gaol 13 - Climate Action! Once again, an incredible interpretation by our amazing visual artist Aga Krym. We’re particularly excited abut this goal as it is one of our central pillars of work. Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our lives and way of living. If anything is to be learned from the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) saying that “climate change is widespread, rapid and intensifying” is that we need to take action to combat climate change and it’s impacts. We can all take steps to limit our negative impact on the environment from governments to businesses to individuals like you and me. This goals targets include integrating climate change measures into policies and planning, strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related disasters in all countries and improving education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning. Some easy things we can all do:
- Choose reusable products.
- Recycle paper, glass, batteries, plastic, metal and old electronics.
- Bike, walk, take public transport or car share whenever you can.
- Shop local.
- Reduce your paper usage. Did you know it takes 10litres of water to produce 1 A4 sheet of paper?
- Buy eco and animal friendly products - always check the label!
- Compost your food waste.
- Take shorter showers.
- Eat less meat - one meat free day a week can make a huge difference!
Massive thanks to Creative Waterford, Creative Ireland, PeopleAndPlanet DEAR Programme, Aga Krym, Lismore Tidy Towns, Roses West End Bar and Irish Aid.
For more info on goal 6, follow this link: https://www.globalgoals.org/13-climate-action