Go plastic free - Ban single-use plastics for a week and prove that we can function perfectly well without them. It seems like we have been talking about single-use plastics for a long time, but they do not seem to be going away. The majority of single-use plastics are really unnecessary. They contribute a lot to pollution, are made from fossil fuels, have a large carbon footprint, and take a VERY long time to go away. Whether you have been tackling single use plastics for a while or you’re just starting on your journey we want to extend a massive WELCOME, this is the perfect time to start!
1. Form a Team – Gather a range of people who can share the load but also offer valuable alternative ideas. When thinking about who to approach consider:
- Parents
- People in power (local government, managers, principals, teachers, etc.)
- Community organisers/leaders
- People active in the community
- Youth Groups
- Businesses
2. Pick your dates, choose a week that best and allows you enough time to plan. Plastic Free July is a global movement that happens every year, perhaps you can start in July? They also have some nice resources that you could use. Click Here For Resources
3. Assign jobs to the team.
4. Make/gather some fact sheets. Include alternatives that people can use throughout the week as well as some interesting facts. Perhaps even include where you can get them locally. Use these around where you are, on social media, etc. Here is our free Top Swap poster available to download and print. Click Here For SLí Top Swap Poster
5. Create an Incentive – If you can, have spot prizes for those who participate, it is a nice little touch and does not have to cost a lot. A small treat or getting local business to donate small prizes. Or you could create a competition of who can use the least plastic and crown the winner at the end of the week.
6. Get the word out. Use word of mouth, social media, email, chat forums, text, posters, etc. to let everybody know what you are planning and when.
7. Make a group where people can share hints, tips, ideas, and pictures.
8. The big week – Have fun!! Take lots of fun pictures with everybody and get them to share their stories each day. Share the hard bits as well as the easy bits. See if you can make it a regular thing. Make a promise wall where people can promise to always bring their reusable bottle, etc.