Don’t have a garden? Only have a tiny space? Then these videos are for you!
For World Earth Day 2021 we brought you some exciting videos to get your started on your sustainable journey. Three videos all about composting, container planting and vertical growing that are sure to get you excited about entering your new sustainable and food secure life.
Check out the videos on our YouTube channel for yourself. Simply click here!
Vertical Growing is basically about using all that vertical space that you usually don’t think about. It reduces your food miles and helps you upcycle everyday household items. Time to look at that space differently!
We show you how you can compost on your backdoor step and how you only need a few things to get started. You save money, make great compost for your plants AND help the planet. Essentially, by composting at home you’re carbon offsetting you tea or coffee drinking habits! I think that’s pretty unreal!
Container Planting is really useful if you have limited space and no garden to speak of. It’s super versatile and you can use almost anything to grow in. Plants want to grow so if you just give them what they need they’ll flourish. Honestly, as long as you have the right size container you can grow anything in them. To get you started we're gonna show you how to plant herbs for your windowsill, your own bounty of salad leaves and how to grow spuds in a bag.
Check 'em out to start growing and saving the planet at the same time. Simply click here!