Every Year Irish people dump 63,000 tonnes of textiles into landfill - that’s like 6 Eiffel Towers!

To coincide with COP26, Waterford Sustainable Living Initiative, in collaboration with our Youth Advisory Climate Council, ran an installation in the Waterford City and County Libraries on "The True Cost Of Fashion" from 9th November to 6th December 2021 to raise awareness of our impact on the environment. 

The installation was inspired by our lifestyles and how to promote a more sustainable future. We all wear clothes, but what do we know about them? The installation explored what we wear and the cost it has to us and our environment from human rights to deforestation to fresh water. The installation also had tips for decreasing our negative impact on the environment and links to blogs with more information. 

Did you know it takes 10,000 litres of water to make one pair of jeans?! It would take 12 years for 1 person to drink that shocking amount.

You can be a climate hero by making some small changes in the way you live.

Why not have fun by shopping for preloved clothes instead of buying new or getting creative with a needle and thread to save your favourite top?

Tara Skerritt, member of the YACC