89% always take a shower and 76% turn off the tap when brushing their teeth.
44% have never taken part in an environmental campaign.
Two fifths of young people state they never walk or cycle to work, and almost one fourth admitted they never use public transportation.
How can local authorities support young people's sustainability campaigns and other sustainable activities? 61% of Irish youth say Participatory or community based funding projects and 56% say facilities for meetings/activities.
It shows Irish young people’s:
📌 Individual actions to mitigate its effects
📌 Knowledge on climate issues
📌 Advocacy interests
📌 Policy awareness and action
📌 Demands for policy changes
This factsheet outlines where Ireland’s youth stand shared with us in our “European Youth and Climate Change: A Community Baseline” survey.
The People & Planet project asked almost 4000 EU young citizens about their views and concerns on climate change, water scarcity and sustainable behaviours. The main message was:
The climate threat is real and it’s here!