Video Resource Library

Here you will find a variety of workshops and other materials to support remote and virtual global citizenship education activities.

Lesson plans to accompany the workshops are available in the Resources Section .

Give us a shout if you have any questions on how to use these materials.

09 May 2022

No Garden? No Problem! - Composting

This World Earth Day we're bringing you some exciting videos to get your started on your journey. 🌍 Not got a garden or only have a tiny space? Then these videos are for you!
This first video is all about composting! We show you how you can compost on your backdoor step and how you only need a few things to get started. You save money, make great compost for your plants AND help the planet. Essentially, by composting at home you’re carbon offsetting you tea or coffee drinking habits! I think that’s pretty unreal! Check 'em out to start growing and saving the planet at the same time.

11 May 2022

No Garden? No Problem! - Vertical Growing

🌍 This is the second video from our World Earth Day event.

Not got a garden? Only have a tiny space? Then these videos are for you!
This one is all about vertical growing! This video is all about Vertical Growing and it’s great if you have limited space. In this video we show you a few ways to make the most of your small space AND upcycle some things you’ll find around the house. Vertical growing is basically about using all that vertical space that you usually don’t think about. It reduces your food miles and helps you upcycle everyday household items. Time to look at that space differently!

14 June 2022

No Garden? No problem! - Container Planting

This video is all about container planting! Container planting is really useful if you have limited space and no garden to speak of. It’s super versatile and you can use almost anything to grow in. Plants want to grow so if you just give them what they need they’ll flourish. Honestly, as long as you have the right size container you can grow anything in them. To get you started we're gonna show you how to plant herbs for your windowsill, your own bounty of salad leaves and how to grow spuds in a bag.

01 December 2022

How We See The World Ad

‘How We See The World’ is an incredible show developed and performed by a wonderful young ensemble in Waterford. Suitable for all ages this show is sure to get you talking! Can’t wait to see you on Saturday, August 13th at Wyse Park at 2pm. This street action is brought to you by Waterford Slí, Little Red Kettle and Summer in the City.

22 March 2023

How Much Water For Chocolate and A Burger | #WaterFootprint

How much water do you think it takes to make a burger? Or a bar of chocolate? Here's what our young EU citizens thought this #WhatWorldWaterDay2023 What a lot of water! Did you know the UN Water Conference is happening this week? Let's share our knowledge about water and save this precious resource! 

22 March 2023

Diving into what young EU citizens know about water | #WaterFootprint

What is the hidden water footprint?
If you were a politician, what would you do to help reduce everybody's hidden water footprint?
These were some of the questions we asked young EU citizens. The UN Water Conference is happening and young people's voices need to be heard.
That's also why we compiled a set of recommendations drafted by young Europeans based on their concerns about the future of the People and the Planet.

28 March 2024

SLí Scraps Food Waste - Bread

You BREAD my mind! Our solution to bread waste? Dried breadcrumbs! Here's our recipe and it lasts for AAAGES on the shelf. This will give a perfect crisp coating to chicken, tofu, pork, you name it. 

28 March 2024

SLí Scraps Food Waste - Salad Pesto

Salad leaves - we've all had that bag in the end of the fridge that's looking sad, and we don't know what to with it. This simple, quick, all-in-one recipe will solve that problem.
